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On two years of living a queered life.

Two years ago this week I came out to my husband and, subsequently, blew up my life. There are days when it feels like this JUST happened, and there are other days when it feels like I have been out my whole life.  There's something about being oriented to self that's affirming, and addicting, and beautiful.  Things are starting to settle now, and so I thought it a good time to give an update on me, and my continued processing of what it means (to me) that I am living a queered life. AND... What a fucking learning curve! Two years ago when I came out, it was as a lesbian.  Because I was dating women at the time, this seemed to make sense.  I was welcomed and enveloped into the local lesbian community and for quite some time, that label felt comfy. And then, almost a year later, I started dating someone non-binary and my mind was a little blown as to what that means about my identity. If I date someone who is not a woman, can I still be a lesbian?  (Spoiler alert: the answer to

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